Tesla Model S/X GEN2 Charger

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The Tesla GEN2 is a single/three phase 10kW AC charger that was fitted in the Model S from 2012 until it was replaced in the 2016 'facelift' model with GEN3.

One or two GEN2 chargers are installed beneath the rear seats.

"Running a Tesla charger at much under 200v dc will cause it to explode. Yes I know the label says 50 to 450v but it lies. Yes I blew one up discovering this."

Replacement control boards

replacement control board https://github.com/damienmaguire/Tesla-Charger

v5 kit: https://www.evbmw.com/index.php/evbmw-webshop/tesla-boards/tesla-gen-2-charger-logic-board-kit

v5 partially built board: https://www.evbmw.com/index.php/evbmw-webshop/tesla-boards/tesla-gen-2-charger-logic-board-partially-built


you'll need a st-link v2 smt32 programmer. Unofficial ones are cheaply available from amazon and ebay.

st-link programming utility: https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-link004.html

stm32_loader.hex https://openinverter.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1119

Charger_gen2_v5.hex https://github.com/damienmaguire/Tesla-Charger/tree/master/V5/Software/Binary

Click "Target --> Connect" from top menu. You want to see the screen get filled with a data dump of symbols. In the upper right of the screen you can see it identified the device.

In the main viewing window are multiple tabs, click the "Binary File" tab to select it.

This will ask to open a file, you choose: "stm32_loader.hex" from OpenInverter.org, download ahead of time. This will change what shows up in the viewing window.

Click "Target --> Program and Verify" from the top menu. This pops up a window, and you can probably just click "Start" on that window. This programs the STM32 chip with the stm32_loader.hex file.

The STM32 on your v5 gen2 Tesla charger Board can now load other files.

You can close the stm32_loader.hex tab, and go back to the "Binary File" tab, which will ask to open another file.

You choose: "Charger_Gen2_v5.hex"

Same as last time, click "Target --> Program and Verify" from the top menu. And click Start.

The STM32 on your v5 gen2 Tesla charger Board now also has the software to run.

You are now done with the ST-Link USB dongle, it's no longer needed.

Future updates can be done via wifi. (must have esp8266 wifi module programed https://openinverter.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8 )