Hyundai Ioniq CCS Charge Inlet 91684-G7010

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Backshell showing LED connector at top and actuator middle
Shows 2.7K resistor block on right hand side of inlet, LED connector on top

The Hyundai Ioniq AE CCS Charge Inlet part number 91864-G7010 combines a Type 2 charge port (single phase) with a CCS2 DC inlet. The full part is shown below with approx. 2M of shielded DC cable, a TE AMP+ connector for the Hyundai battery pack, connector to onboard charger and 14-way plug presumably connecting to the car's charge controller. There are plastic 'pass through' mouldings that mount and route the HV DC cables, and a cable release for manually releasing the charge port lock pin.

Full cable assembly with charge inlet, battery connector, OBC connector
CCS inlet. Charge port LED shown at top

The charge port inlet has a two part backshell, with DC HV cables exiting via a right angle backshell. These are fairly easily removed but the plastic tabs are weak. The charge port lock actuator screws to the left side of the charge port and a manual wire pull release attaches to it to pull the locking pin back out.

An LED is mounted in the top of the port, above the AC input.

On the right hand side is a resistor block containing a 2.7K resistor between PE and PP.

Wire side of 14 way connector, top side. Pin 1 top right: brown-black, pin 8 below it: black.
Bottom view of 14 way connector. Bottom row starts at pin 8, black, at the top

There is a 'commoning block' that connects the AC cable shielding, the paired CP/PP cable shielding and PE itself to a common wire into the 14 way connector.

The inlet has only one thermistor, positioned between the two DC HV cables in the inlet.

There is a 3 way AC connector for the on board charger.

The 14 way connector pinout is described below. Pin numbering starts at the top right pin when looking from the wire side of the plug, and is black/brown. Pin 8 starts on right hand side of bottom row, black.


Pin Colour Description
1 black/brown Shielding of CP/PP pair, also connected to pin 11 and PE earth (pin 12), and shielding of AC cable
2 yellow Actuator lock feedback, presumed
3 red Actuator lock feedback, presumed
4 blue Actuator lock motor
5 orange Actuator lock motor
6 white Thermistor, presumed NTC 10K, DC cable pair
7 brown Thermistor, presumed NTC 10K, DC cable pair
8 black Charge port LED -ve
9 red/black Charge port LED +ve
10 not used not used
11 black/brown Shielding of CP/PP pair, also connected to pin 1 and PE earth (pin 12), and shielding of AC cable
12 black PE, also connected to pins 1 and 11
13 2 white wires PP. One white wire direct to PP pin at inlet, one white wire to one side of detachable 2.7K resistor. Other side

of resistor (thin blue) goes to commoning block and eventually pin 12, PE.

14 green CP

Note that there are no resistors in the inlet CP to 14 way plug, but there is a 2.7K detachable resistor between PP and PE.