BMW I3 Fast Charging LIM Module

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The BMW LIM module is a CCS, Chademo, and AC charging controller. It is used to communicate between the vehicle and the public charging infrastructure, to allow fast charging to occur.

As these can be found affordably on eBay and from auto wreckers, they have been pursued as an open-source charger project.

Can logs and other data:

I3 hv components

Forum discussion

Connectors and Pinouts:

BMW I3 LIM CCS Charging Module
Label Part Number
16 Pin Hirchmann 805-587-545
12 Pin BMW 61138373632

Audi 4E0 972 713

TE 1534152-1

8 Pin BMW 61138364624

Audi 4F0 972 708

TE 1-1534229-1 (only on Chademo models)

6 Pin BMW 61138383300

Audi 7M0 973 119

TE 1-967616-1

Device Pinout (left to right)
Label Description BMW Part Number
4B 12 Pin Connector 1534151-1
3B Unused (?)
1B 16 Pin Connector 805-587-545
2B 6 Pin Connector 1-967616-1
X Replacement Pins 5-962885-1
X Rubber Seal 1-967067-1
1B Pinout:
Pin # Function Description
1B-1 LED_S Lighting Charge Socket
1B-2 ZV_LKL+ Charge Door Lock Motor
1B-3 LED_M Lighting Charge Socket
1B-4 ZV_LADE+ Hood Lock
1B-5 ZV_LADE- Hood Lock
1B-6 CAN
1B-7 CAN
1B-8 Wake up signal
1B-9 Power
1B-10 Ground
1B-13 SENS_LKL Charge Door Lock Sensor
1B-14 ZV_LKL- Charge Door Lock Sensor
1B-15 CHARGE_E Goes to KLE, Guessing this is charge enabled signal for the in car charger?
1B-16 ZV_LADE Hood Lock
2B Pinout:
Pin # Function Description
2B-1 Pilot
2B-2 Proxy
2B-3 Diag? Looped back to Pin 4?
2B-5 GND Ground. (Charge Socket)

3B Pinout:

- N/A

4B Pinout:
Pin # Function Description
4B-1 HV+_SZ+ Contactor Control
4B-2 HV-_SZ+ Contactor Control
4B-3 HV+_SZ- Contactor Control
4B-4 HV-_SZ- Contactor Control
4B-5 U_HV_DC
4B-6 LED_RT Charge Status Light
4B-7 LED_GN Charge Status Light
4B-8 LED_BL Charge Status Light
4B-9 BR_GND Charge Status Light
4B-10 ZV_LS- Charge Socket Locking
4B-11 ZV_LS+ Charge Socket Locking
4B-12 SENS_LS Charge Socket Locking