Tesla SDU with Zombieverter

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Tesla SDU with Zombieverter

Zombieverter Can Bus Control of SDU


  • This drawing is intended to show the minimum components and connections needed for Zombieverter control of an OI SDU via Can bus.  Adapting power and Can bus connections for other OI inverters should function in the same manner, but this needs verification.
  • All power connections must be fuse protected.  Fuses are not shown for simplification.
  • The following observations were made using Zombieverter firmware 2.20A and SDU firmware 5.35R:
  1. The Zombieverter does not enable inverter power prior to entering PreCharge mode.  An external device other than the inverter is required to supply the udc measurement for switch to Run mode.  This function is supported by the shunt and BMS options available in the Zombieverter parameters.
  2. A third device must be on the Can bus with the Zombieverter and Inverter.
  3. Requirements 1. and 2. are satisfied in the drawing by the IVT shunt.
  4. Text deleted
  5. An inverter power relay is required for Zombieverter control.
  6. Can mapping to pass data and commands from the Zombieverter to the inverter is hard coded in the firmware for both devices.  Manual mapping is required for the inverter to transmit data to the Zombieverter.  The Zombieverter is hard coded to receive this data.  The following values need to be manually mapped in the inverter. Note: mapping uses hex address values, multipliers may need to change to provide correct values (confirm in Zombieverter spot values), inverter udc gets mapped to inv udc in the Zombieverter.
Spot Value Hex Address Offset # Bits Multiplier Map
speed 400 0 16 1 Tx
tmphs 410 0 16 10 Tx
udc 420 0 16 10 Tx
opmode 430 0 8 1 Tx