DNR Reverse Forward Switch Parking Gear Shift

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DNR Model A Reverse Forward Switch Parking Gear Shift

A complete directional switch with indication available on Aliexpress.
There is a schematic/connection table is in last pic of my previous post :)

Drive outputs pin 2 & 7
Reverse outputs pin 3 & 6
pins 3 & 7 output +12v
Pins 2 & 6 output whatever you feed to pin 1.

LEDs are not controllable separately, they switch color depending on selector position.
This looks to me like it is a mechanical rocker switch with rocker covered with a knob, so nothing fancy in that sense :)
There are two possible outputs for both D & R.
One is positive (connected to the +12v supply, which also powers the leds) and the other output is dependent on the pin 1 connection.
If pin 1 is not connected, you don't get an output from the pins defined as signal outputs.

RND switch N.jpg
RND switch.jpg

DNR Model B Reverse Forward Switch Parking Gear Shift

Warning Model B pinout schematic is not the same as Model A! See schematic for connection.

RND Model B.png
RND Model B schematic.png

DNR Model C Reverse Forward Switch Parking Gear Shift

Warning Model C pinout schematic is not the same as Model A! See schematic for connection.

RND Model C.png
RND Model C schematic.png