Renault Kangoo 36

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The phase 2 Renault Kangoo 36kWh pack consists of 12 modules, roughly 16kg 14x21x31 cm each in a 2P8S configuration. The usable capacity is apparently 33kWh. It uses a centralised BMS, like the Nissan Leaf, as opposed to a distributed BMS with each module having it's own satellite board. So care must be taken to ensure the cell tap plugs are connected in to the modules in the correct order or the BMS may be damaged. Also note the cell taps will have potentially high voltage across them.

Contactor Box

The pack doesn't have a negative contactor, the only way to isolate it is to pull the service disconnect. In the contactor box there's a current sensor, pre-charge resistor, pre-charge relay, main contactor and a 275a 1000V fuse.

The main contactor is 150a rated.

Kangoo Contactor box.jpg
Contactor box
Kangoo Disconnect.jpg
Manual Service Disconnect socket
Kangoo Midpack Fuse.jpg
Mid Pack Fuse

There are 2 external Low voltage Connectors for the battery pack.

Grey Yazaki x
Pin Internal Wire Function
1 Black 12v BMS supply via 10a fuse
2 x
3 x
4 x
5 x
6 Yellow Can High
7 White 12v Contactor supply via 15a fuse
8 x
9 x
10 x
11 x
12 Blue Can Low
Black Yazaki 7283-8854-30
Pin Internal Wire Function
1 Black Ground
2 x
3 Green Main Contactor (ground to close)
4 x
5 Blue Pre-charge relay (ground to close)


Photos of the wiring below show the correct connection orientation for the BMS and the cell taps to the modules.

PXL 20220624 072610756.jpg
PXL 20220624 072540901.jpg
PXL 20220624 072941220.jpg

I've started putting together a DBC file, but this only covers the standard CAN frames.

DBC file:

For the BMS to send out can frame a message on 0x423 needs to be sent.

Using logs found here:

When driving the contents of the 0x423 message is

0x07 0x1D 0x00 0x02 0x5D 0x80 0x5D 0xD8

for 5 messages then

0x07 0x1D 0x00 0x02 0xB2 0x80 0xB2 0xD8

When charging the contents of 0x423 is

0x0B 0x1D 0x00 0x02 0xB2 0x80 0xB2 0xD9

for 5 messages then

0x0B 0x1D 0x00 0x02 0x5D 0x80 0x5D 0xD9

Other logs have different bytes 0 and 5 but the 0xB2 x 5 then 0x5D pattern remains. ([0] = 0x07 and [5] = 0x20)

And When rapid charging the contents of 0x423 is

0x07 0x1E 0x00 0x01 0x5D 0x20 0xB2 0xC7

for 5 messages then the 0x5D and 0xB2 switch places

0x07 0x1E 0x00 0x01 0xB2 0x20 0x5D 0xC7

byte[3] does change to 0x02 during the log.

I've not yet tested what affect these different messages have, if any. It is also unknown what these messages mean.


To get the individual cell voltages and some other information, ISO TP requests are required. I've written some code that'll decode these. Will be extending to run on an ESP32 to make the ISO-TP requests and decode.

I've been able to query the battery with DDT4All using an ELM usb dongle.