Essentially if the motor current goes above around 435A using the standard param_prj.h the simulator correctly models ADC saturation
This causes all sorts of apparent stability issues as the software tries to cope with the bad readings.
Essentially this is simulating the behaviour of the inverter correctly but the default file is for a Prius inverter which has a lower range on the CTs, not normally a problem on the Prius but if the same file is used on a Leaf setup without revisions you get adc saturation and stability problems.
To fix change the lines in the param_prj.h file (the one in the same directory as the file) from
Code: Select all
PARAM_ENTRY(CAT_INVERTER,il1gain, "dig/A", -100, 100, 4.7, 27 ) \
PARAM_ENTRY(CAT_INVERTER,il2gain, "dig/A", -100, 100, 4.7, 28 ) \
Code: Select all
PARAM_ENTRY(CAT_INVERTER,il1gain, "dig/A", -100, 100, 1, 27 ) \
PARAM_ENTRY(CAT_INVERTER,il2gain, "dig/A", -100, 100, 1, 28 ) \
I'll update the default file on github to fix this. Edit - done
Sorry about this, virtually all my testing has been at around 300A motor currents
As an aside, anyone who is using a Prius inverter in real life and pushing the currents up (@Bigpie) may be seeing this effect in real life too unless they have modified the logic board to change the current input scaling factor!
Edit - It would be better to set these values to match those in your actual install, that way the simulator will accurately reproduce adc saturation at the same point that will happen in real life in the car.