MG V2L charger hacking

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MG V2L charger hacking

Post by johu »

I finally woke up the 3-phase charger today, so here comes the hacking thread.
Wiki page:
3-phase version has part number EP2CCU1130A
Connector part numbers are HVC5P63FSX06 (input) and HVC2P28FSX04 (output) but they seem unobtanium.

UPDATE: found them on ebay

The logic connector 72952-0200 can be had from ali and
Rather pricey and you have to buy multiples but at least there are many offers now.

Damien has gathered some info here: (V2L pinout is the one you want)
And in this video

I tied both CAN busses together, as Damien suggests.

Once 12V is supplied to 4G (GND) and 1H the charger powers up and pulls around 800mA. After a few seconds it goes to sleep. It can then we woken up with pin 3D. If 3D and 1H are tied together on startup the charger pulls more than 2A (current limit kicked in). When connecting 3D to 12V via 10k there is no problem.

That's how far I've come, might just wait for Damien to do the rest and then steal it :)
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Re: MG V2L charger hacking

Post by Jack Bauer »

I have mine installed in the Red Arrow so will hopefully get to making a zombie module for it soon and testing.
I'm going to need a hacksaw
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Re: MG V2L charger hacking

Post by johu »

I've found a few more items of the EP2CCU and added them to the DBC file ... P2CCU1130A

Ultimately I'm going to have to hook up a proper battery and see if playing back the CAN Logs fires it up
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Re: MG V2L charger hacking

Post by LRBen »

I had the two phase variant of this arrive last week, will be putting it into the tractor. Just waiting on the data connector to arrive and an MG charge socket and I should be able to play along.
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Re: MG V2L charger hacking

Post by Jacobsmess »

Also picked up one if these today, £120 including connectors and postage! EH3CCU6630B
Looking forward to getting it on the bench with the other kit. I should probably also sell off the 3 other chargers that I won't be using now also :lol:
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