OK, had an email from JLC saying that I should have my logic board by Christmas so need to start thinking about building it up. I have all the parts although some of the chips are still on the Toyota logic board/STM eval boards so they are in sealed bags with desiccant to get all the moisture out and so reduce the chance of them being damaged when being removed and re-soldered.
Also need to start thinking about firmware. The board used the STM32F405 processor rather than the STM32F103 so it runs faster (168MHz rather than 72MHz) and has an integrated floating point coprocessor. Both these changes are looked after by the compiler and have little impact on the firmware and the old code would likely run with minimal changes. It also has a whole new set of peripherals with different capabilities and control registers and the old firmware will not play nice with these
Fortunately LibOpenCM3 already supports the F4 series which should minimise the pain. Johannes has also done a port of LibOpenInv to the F4 but it doesn't look like it has been updated for a while, so won't include the latest features, and it's not clear whether it has ever been used in anger. I think instead I'm going to start with the latest F1 version and port it across fresh. This has the advantage that it's up to date tried and tested code code that I'm already familiar with. I'll also need to make a few other structural changes, irrespective of the starting point, to cater for the dedicated resolver chip and to reduce control loop latency. he aim is to get to a motor current/motor position measurement to PWM value update latency of the order of 30us. Given the low inductance of the Outlander rear motor I'd also like to increase the PWM frequency as far as possible (obviously limited by the inverter) and look at different motor current sampling methods.
Still not done much on the car as still physically and mentally drained but optimistic that I'll get to it soon. Slight change of plan from before. My normal approach is to do things once (mainly because I get bored doing things a second time). Now in this case that would mean fully refurbishing everything while doing the conversion and also sorting out charging, VCU, instruments, etc. and this is all likely to take time. Now that's not an issue in itself, it's a hobby and has no real deadline, but I'm already way behind where I hoped to be and am getting a little worried about the DVLA, changes in regulations, inspections, IVAs, etc. So the plan is to do the bare minimum to get to a safe usable car (so motor, battery and inverter), get it registered as electric, use it a bit to find any bugs and then pull it all apart again to do the refurbishment and add all the non critical creature comforts. If another Roadster comes along at a reasonable price I'll probably buy it to simplify the process a little too.
Talking of non-essential creature comforts the one thing that I have always wanted to add to a car is a way to remotely enable the heater/AC to either warm or cool the car ready to go (and the recent UK weather has focused my mind on the heating/defrosting side!). Now I could do this with the existing remote plip, the trouble is it is very limited in range and there is no confirmation if you can't see the car. An alternative would be to use a mobile SIM, but I'm not keen on this for a number of reasons (SIM costs, complexity, don't like smartphones, power consumption, need static IP address, poor local coverage, etc). Instead I've ordered one of these:

It's a LoRa wireless transciever with a M0 48MHz micro, oled display, couple of buttons and battery management circuits. The LoRa wireless transceivers can supposedly give a range of >5km line of sight (been tested to 14km!) or ~1km in built up areas, only uses uA in standby mode (and the car end 6mA in receive mode or 2mA @ 12V via a switch mode supply) and is supported by numerous code libraries. The plan is to make a fob sized remote out of it, have it show the car status (SOC, range, voltages,temps) on the display on a single button press and on an additional long press start the car climate control.