Some good news, some bad news.
Good news: my car should support CCS now. I'm still waiting on my adapter to be shipped from South Korea. I ordered it with the nice carrying case they had, which delayed things. It should be shipping out in the next dew days though.
I drove to the service center and parked in the parking lot, and was able to get the car into service mode. I requested a software reinstall, waited about 3 minutes or so, and then the update icon appeared. I started the update, and it took it about 7 minutes, which is much faster than the normal update process.
Afterwards the car was happy, and an AC charge at home works just fine.
Bad news: the newer firmware does _not_ work with my code. They added a checksum to the HV Software version / Alert, expanded some things, removed others.. and it seems to not like having replayed data fed to it as much that's fun.
In the process of working on this I found a bug in my SoC target limit %. Wasn't shifting over enough bits.
All of this is suffice to say - I'm going to get this working, but for all intents and purposes the BMW LIM setup is much, much easier. I do appreciate the fact that my Model 3 will be able to charge from AC J1772, AC SWCAN, DC Supercharger, DC ChAdeMO, and DC CCS though.