I read about zombieverters IO pins (https://openinverter.org/wiki/ZombieVerter_IO) and some of those are for specific hardware configs (like GS450H, ...).
Suppose I use a Nissan Leaf Stack, those special pins are not needed right?
How can these pins be used as described in the wiki (i.e. for PWM or GPIO)? Do I need to implement their function in the firmware it self or is there an option in the web GUI?
If I would like to implement a custom function like triggering a GPIO output when a certain state is active where would I start?selectable input/output pins that can be used for a number of functions.
If think this could be done in the firmware itself. I already read through the source code but want to be sure what is the best way to do that before I start to modify the firmware.
I found the tim3_setup() function in hwinit.c which seems promising. The settings from set parameters get checked and according to the desired function the timer get initialized. Can i add own params the same way?
How can "modules" be coded so the new functions get reusable? My thought was to fork damiens repo and add my C code in separate files (and add it to the makefile of course). Is that the preferred way? If yes which files can be changed without interfering with future updates directly ( i know the changes need to be reviewed one by one)..
Thank you for the clarification