Heavy Vehicle conversions Electric Bus

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Heavy Vehicle conversions Electric Bus

Post by motorcircus »

I've been searching for info about converting a heavy vehicle like a passenger bus or delivery truck to electric. Any hints are well appreciated! :)

After succesfully converting a 1979 VW T2 minibus, my next project is a 1970 Scania B11063 bus.
Researching the topic is made hard by the fact that the word _bus_ has multiple meanings and most of the "bus" conversions are actually a VW minibus like my Motör Circus Volkswagen. Another thing is that there are hundreds of businesess offering retrofitting EV components to diesel buses but they don't really offer to sell the components. Only offering to do it as a service, not what I am after. Also very few of the aftermarket components available for consumers are approved for use in the EU. And these are just way too expensive for a circus artist to buy. :?

My plan is to do it with mostly recycled parts like my previous conversion. Therefore, I begun to look at hybrid buses like the VOLVO B5LH, B0E. Could the powertrain from such a vehicle be transferred to my Scania and make it go? :arrow:

Mainly the questions are:
Can we reverse engineer an inverter from a bus (electric/hybrid)?
Could the ZombieVerter run the Volvo B0E powertrain?
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Re: Heavy Vehicle conversions Electric Bus

Post by Jacobsmess »

I'm looking to use the GS450H transmission in my mercedes 310D van. It's not a bus but a big van. IMO, the main thing is gearing, my van originally came with a 97hp engine and some came with smaller engines yet with gearing they got everywhere they needed. What is the original spec of your engine and through what gearing? Once you know that you can probably start looking at something suitable.
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