Looking for PLC module experts

Development and discussion of fast charging systems eg Chademo , CCS etc
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Joined: Tue May 23, 2023 6:07 am

Looking for PLC module experts

Post by Consultant »

Hi Everyone,

I am a consultant working with a client specializing in Qualcomm-based EVSE powerline modules and I stumbled upon this board during my desk research.

I am currently looking for an external expert to help me navigate the technical basics (I have no technical background), typical applications of similar products, compare client product to some other alternatives available on the market, etc.

Would anyone here be willing to have a ~30 minute interview/call to help me with this? I could compensate you for the time e.g. via a $300 Amazon gift card or in some other way.

In case this is the wrong place to post such requests, please move it or let me know if there is a better way to reach out.

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