Tesla LDU with TI Instaspin

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Tesla LDU with TI Instaspin

Post by KimchiKimKim »

Hi, I really want to dive into controlling my Tesla Sport LDU and was curious if anyone has used the TI Instaspin-FOC C2000 chips in any sort of inverter design. I read into the chips datasheet that it can control ACIM Motors but I haven't seem people use them let alone in an Inverter of this size. If anyone has anything to chime in on the use of Instaspin and its application on the Tesla LDU I would love to hear. I am by no means an expert and appreciate any information anyone has on this or other chipsets.
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Re: Tesla LDU with TI Instaspin

Post by deanusjack »

The TI ICs are used quite commonly in many industrial powertrain options, therefore there isn't as much publication of people building with them as they usually end up in OEM style equipment. I'm pretty sure I saw they were being used in Electric Bus inverters etc, the power stage you connect them to dictates the power obviously. They do sell a dev kit board which would probably be the best way to get started with them, at a lower power level then translate up to the LDU. They are a good ecosystem and no reason comes immediately to mind why you couldn't build a LDU control board using one, it would likely be a huge amount of work though, and whether it is worth the effort vs using the existing openinverter board is up to you. There is certainly arguments to be made for and against hardware vs software implementations, people could argue forever, or just make stuff that works for your application :)
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