This is the smallest fully functional openinverter brain board thus far!

This fully populated SMT board implements the control logic of a 3-phase inverter. It comes programmed with the boot loader and a legacy version of the firmware. The firmware can be updated any time via UART or CAN.

It is primarily meant as a daughter board and for saving space the wifi module is not located on board but maybe connected via your custom motherboard. Alternatively you can interface the board via CAN with the ESP32 CAN module (see related products)

It has all capabilities of the Rev3 mainboard and in addition it can interface to SPI devices. The digital outputs come unamplified and are suited for driving logic-level FETs or NPN transistors that you also place on your custom motherboard.

It has all the analog and digital inputs of previous versions and additionally may be fully controlled via CAN. This makes it ideally suited for replacing OEM brain boards in salvaged inverters.

The community edition does not include personal support by me but you can get help at the forum. Find a closer description in the Wiki.

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  • Product Code:mm
  • Availability:49
  • 120.00€

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