I got the bluetooth module to try the android app. I must confess I wasn't expecting much as I paid more for shipping than the module.I have had good luck getting diagnostics using an OBDLink LX dongle and this Android app
I have been looking at ScanDoc for a while, but wanted to wait until I at least had something running before parting with lots of money.
On line demo here https://scandoc.online/last/0/32/2/72/3/0
I looked at the OBDLink LX dongle you linked to and it's relatively pricey, compared with the one I have, but less than ScanDoc. However since ScanDoc looks to match the Hyundai software I've decided to buy that. Fingers crossed it's as good as it says.
I think you're right about only UDS. I've run a set of UDS scans from Savvycan and it's found a whole list of addresses that respond.
I'll put them up on github once I've done some more work on confirming which module matches which ID.
Now for some pictures for those interested.
a new look "Battery Kona" No HV connections yet, don't want to let the magic smoke out too soon.
A most surprising result from first power up. I was quite surprised by how much came straight up.
Running my scan tools didn't show very much and I wondered why I wasn't getting anything from the BMS or motor.
I had started by putting in one fuse at a time while checking the current draw. When I got to the IG3 fuses that's when everything came to life, with a load warning buzzer.
Then I realized I populated all the main fuses but hadn't got to the fuses in the PCB block.
Added them and current draw increase but still nothing. While looking for an easy place to T into the P-CAN bus I discovered that it doesn't go directly between the main and front loom. It goes right around the car via the floor loom.
After all the rabbit hole mentioned previously I'm now getting lots of good data.