AC Charging Via Fake Resolver Inputs

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AC Charging Via Fake Resolver Inputs

Post by HotGlueEngineer »

Hi all,
I've had this idea in my head for a long while now and figured I'd bounce it off y'all to get your wise opinions on it. As I understand it, the gen 3 Toyota Prius inverter uses the data from the resolvers of the motors it is running to regen. Would it be a stupid idea to, instead of using the ac from the motors, use ac from an ac charger, thus charging the batteries? Of course you'd need extra hardware for communication and "spoofing" the resolver inputs, but surely this could be made to work right?

I look forward to your enlightenment.
P.S. Thanks y'all for your incredible talent and research. Some of y'all are actual wizards!
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Re: AC Charging Via Fake Resolver Inputs

Post by arber333 »

You dont have to use any resolver as we know the rolling of the 3phase weaves.
I was advocating for this kind of idea. You would have to disconnect MG1(generator) and provide its transistors with 3phase power from the wall.
I am convinced this would work directly as transistors have reverse diodes which would rectify AC voltage and create up to 580Vdc on the bus cap.
Of course this would require another transistor pair on the DC line with inductor to kick the voltage down to the pack.
And whatayanow! Prius has such push-pull transistor pair coupled with inductor already packed in. Its power cap is cca 30kW. I imagine 11kw or even 22kW wouldnt be a problem... its just the power factor i am worried about. You would create a hash in the lines the size of 30kW, enough to get noticed by your EE supplier. I dont know if that would be wise...
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Re: AC Charging Via Fake Resolver Inputs

Post by HotGlueEngineer »

I also wonder if it would be possible to just use single phase, as that's how AC charging is done in America. Roughly 7kW max, single phase.
Yeah power factor correction is something I still need to learn more about. I wonder how it's done commercially...
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Re: AC Charging Via Fake Resolver Inputs

Post by Ev8 »

Shouldn’t having a pi controller varying the boost converter pwm to provide a constant dc output current using a Hall effect current sensor for feedback provide a level of power factor correction if the control loop is fast enough? I understand this is basically what active pfc does
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