QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

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QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by dougyip »

I apologize in advance if this in the wrong thread - but I'm still not sure which is the best one to post in. I have now loaded the latest Clara firmware and am now sending "batvtg, targetvtg, SOC, and chargecur" via CAN from my Orion2. I have verified with another device that the data is being transmitted correctly to the addresses shown under CAN Mapping in the Wiki. How do I view these on the OI to confirm they are being input to Clara correctly? They do not appear under Parameters, Spot Values, Graphing, or Data Logging.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by johu »

Created this thread for usage related topics. As long as we're in the testing phase that should be fine.

Can you post a screenshot of CAN mapping and Parameters page? And tell us the values you are sending and where
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by dougyip »

Screenshots attached. HV was off. Inlet voltage from sense board(charger side of contactors) reads correctly when contactors are closed and HV on via test. CAN messages batvtg, targeting, chargecur, SOC are being broadcast to the addresses mapped by my Orion2 and are being ready successfully by my datalogger.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by johu »

looks correctly mapped. Are you seeing Clara messages in your CAN logger also (0x108 and 0x109)? Suspecting a physical issue
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by uhi22 »

You configured demomode to standalone, this leads to ignoring CAN Input.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by johu »

Overlooked that. But it wouldn't actively suppress reception (and display)?
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by serh270 »

Hi All, I recently purchased, as part of a larger project, the FOCCI board as well as the esp32 interface board. Since removing them from the packaging, I have connected the can pinouts (with 120ohm terminating resistor) of the FOCCI to the esp32 and have wired a 12v connection to both. I have been able to access the web interface, however this is where my progress ends.

TLDR: What is the procedure for configuring the esp32 with FOCCI and does this documentation exist somewhere? Long story: Based on the existing screenshots/documentation, I have been unable to understand where the web-interface sources the spot values from, and therefore have been unable to configure the can mappings. In addition, I am being given a "connection problem between esp and stm" error on the page. Must I run some sort of demo/test session on the FOCCI board to expose the esp32 board to it's data points?

My overall goal is to first configure communication/data points before connection any load or connector. After completing that, I'd connect the ccs connection and a small load to test that functionality. Once that has been validated, then I'd work to connect the real load and contactors. I say this to ask if there is a glaring problem with my high level roadmap.

Apologies if these questions are quite basic/seemingly simple, and if the answers exist somewhere in the documentation, any link to it would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by johu »

Documentation is still growing ;) Where it says "Node ID" in the left navigation bar you need to enter "22". then wait a few seconds and turn on refresh. It was discussed before but even I can't find it right now

EDIT: touching it here: https://openinverter.org/wiki/CCS32Clara
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by serh270 »

I see the parameters now, thank you again! (It's always the little things XD)
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by dougyip »

No CAN activity on 0x108/0x109 regardless of DemoMode setting. I'm assuming the CAN link must work though if the ESP32 board communicates?
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by dougyip »

Any further thoughts on avenues I can investigate on my board? If not, maybe I can purchase one of the new boards on the Web Shop. First race is coming up shortly and I dread the though of once again renting a big Diesel generator.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by johu »

Well if the Wifi adapter has a CAN connection to Foccci but Orion does not then check the CAN Link between the two and connect your CAN dongle to various junctions to see where data is lost.
dougyip wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 8:00 pm I'm assuming the CAN link must work though if the ESP32 board communicates?
Exactly, I think a new board is unlikely to help.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by dougyip »

CAN communications are now working! Spot Values are updating and there are no time-out errors! Just a case of faulty troubleshooting on my part....! I'm ready to attempt a real charge session now.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by johu »

Great! Let us know how it went
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by dougyip »

No charging yet, but progress! When I connected with the PhiPhong Charger, I got up to Opmode 10. The station successfully read the SOC and I was able to see an EVSE Max Voltage and EVSE Max Current value on CAN. Contactors did not close though and the charger went into fault mode. I have attached a log file from the session.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by uhi22 »

That's half-way good news.
Details here: https://github.com/uhi22/clara-logs#202 ... phong_doug

The communication is established, we run until the CableCheck loop, but after three cable check loops, the charger decides to not respond anymore. Normally, if the charger sees a problem in the cable check, it should provide the appropriate response code. But here, it just stays silent. This could mean two things: Either the charger crashed and was not able to send a response anymore, or the developer of the charger decided "sending no response is a clear sign that the cable check went wrong". We can only guess. Some ideas, why the cable check could fail are collected here: https://github.com/uhi22/pyPLC#q5-what- ... able-check

I'd propose the following: Try the same charger multiple times, to get an impression whether it always fails at the same point or whether it is random. Try a different charger. And check the PP. We learned at the Tesla, that there may be a PP supervision from charger side.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by dougyip »

I suspect that it is the PP line. I'm in Canada and it sounds like the PP requirements are different between CCS1 and CCS2. I will try changing the pullup on PP to 330 ohms and 3.3V with a 2.7K pulldown to ground. I also so some other discussions on the forum about another 47K to ground? I don't understand the purpose for this and where it should be placed. Do I need to change parameters?

The connection attempt was repeated many times and the results were the same. Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of trying a different station as I have a non-street legal race and need to connect to the PhiPhong charger at the track. If it's any help, I know that a Tesla M3 using a Tesla adapter charges at that station on a regular basis. I'm not sure if this is relevant, but the 1st time I connected, the charger reported EVSE Max Amps as 140 amps. For subsequent connections EVSE Max Amps was 32A.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by Bigpie »

Shows the differences
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by dougyip »

Did more testing today, but no success. I modified the PP circuit to add the 330 ohm pull-up to 5V and a pulldown to ground (tried a couple of values in the 2.2 to 3.2k ohm range). The charger faulted out very quickly. The Opstate stayed at 0 and SOC was not displayed on the charger. I did not receive any EVSE values. I confirmed that the charger had a 150 ohm resistance between PP and PE and 480 ohms when the release button was pressed. What value of ppvariant should I have been using? What does this variable do?
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by johu »

No communication this time, undo last change...

ppvariant is just relevant for calculating cable capacity for type 2 cables. Can't be the culprit. Have you checked your port contactors that they are not stuck? Iso resistance of port? Does CP measure fine seen from the port? Test also with ActuatorTest=StateC
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by uhi22 »

In this log, the best checkpoint number what we see is the 102, this is at the very beginning of the SLAC procedure.
For me this looks like that the communication on the CP line is nearly impossible, we only sporadically see a response from the charger.
This is much worse than the other test, were the high level communication was established and we ran until the cable check.
Some ideas to check:
- ground connection from Foccci to the PE of the CCS inlet
- CP connection from Foccci to the CCS inlet
- Are all wires of Focccis RF transformer still correctly soldered?
- Is it possible to "reset" the charging station, maybe it denies a new connection if the old was not correctly finished?
- Do you see the 5% PWM in the webinterface?
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by dougyip »

No communication this time, undo last change...

Yes, would have been a good troubleshooting test - but I didn't have the original 1k pull-up that I removed.

Have you checked your port contactors that they are not stuck? Iso resistance of port? Does CP measure fine seen from the port? Test also with ActuatorTest=StateC

Port contactors tested, but I don't believe I've reached the state yet where they've been commanded closed? CP measures 2.7k to ground
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by dougyip »

- ground connection from Foccci to the PE of the CCS inlet
Tests OK
- CP connection from Foccci to the CCS inlet
Measures 2.7k to ground
- Are all wires of Focccis RF transformer still correctly soldered?
Yes, checked with meter
- Is it possible to "reset" the charging station, maybe it denies a new connection if the old was not correctly finished?
I will have to see if I can gain access to the main breaker.
- Do you see the 5% PWM in the webinterface?
I did not check if we are seeing the 5% PWM signal on the web interface.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by uhi22 »

Improved the Clara, that it shows also the CP PWM duty cycle in the log. https://github.com/uhi22/ccs32clara/act ... 8796526599

At some charger types it is necessary to put the plug back to the plug holder to terminate the charging session and to start a fresh one. For these, just unplugging from the vehicle and re-plugging again could lead to such "broken" logs, but in fact the charger is still waiting that the user finishes the old session by hanging up.
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Re: QCA7000 Foccci+Clara User thread

Post by dougyip »

I will flash the new version and test again later in the week.
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