Search found 802 matches

by celeron55
Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:57 pm
Forum: Projects
Topic: 1971 GMCe Lexus GS450H BMW 530e Tesla Model S Electruck [FINISHED]
Replies: 1433
Views: 1539912

Re: [DRIVING]1971 GMCe Lexus GS450H BMW 530e Tesla Model S powered Electruck [FINISHED]

I recommend doing what the OEMs do: Just fiddle with it all until it happens to work, and then tell everyone you're following the standard. :mrgreen:
by celeron55
Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:22 am
Forum: Toyota/Lexus
Topic: L210/GS300H (or IS300H?) transmission max rpm
Replies: 19
Views: 24737

Re: L210/GS300H (or IS300H?) transmission max rpm

With a locked input shaft MG1 is going to spin much faster than MG2.

With a locked input shaft, MG1 speed compared to the propeller shaft is almost 2x as much on the L210 compared to the L110, if I recall correcty.

If you don't lock the input shaft you don't have this problem of course. Then your ...
by celeron55
Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:31 am
Forum: Toyota/Lexus
Topic: Hazel's GS450h build thread.
Replies: 15
Views: 8882

Re: Hazel's GS450h build thread.

My GS450H powered Omega ran just fine with 9 Tesla modules before I added the rest of the 13 modules that I had already bought and planned to install. One reason for 13 was to get lots of range and DC fast charging speed; the other reason was to get the voltage up there where all DC fast chargers ...
by celeron55
Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:28 am
Forum: General
Topic: Openinverter is NOT SECURE???? Or is it? [SOLVED]
Replies: 4
Views: 4933

Re: Openinverter is NOT SECURE???? Or is it? [SOLVED]

That usually marks some sort of an anniversary. I'm going to go ahead and say: Congrats, johu and everyone else too I guess! :mrgreen:
by celeron55
Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:00 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Throttle Cable Adapter Best Practices?
Replies: 15
Views: 10753

Re: Throttle Cable Adapter Best Practices?

One very cheap cable driven throttle sensor is 9643365680. It's used on French cars. I don't know the pinout, but it seems to be a 4 pin sensor so not too difficult to test and find out using a current limited power supply. I would be very surprised if it didn't provide simple analog signals when ...
by celeron55
Tue Sep 26, 2023 6:38 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Throttle Cable Adapter Best Practices?
Replies: 15
Views: 10753

Re: Throttle Cable Adapter Best Practices?

In the Previa, I reused the original throttle body with its sensor. If you do so, make sure you can achieve your preferred level of redundancy in the signals.

The sensor in the Previa has the potentiometer output plus an idle switch, and I made it so that if the idle switch is active, throttle is ...
by celeron55
Thu Sep 21, 2023 4:42 pm
Forum: Charging
Topic: Is it possible to make a CCS to CHAdeMO adapter?
Replies: 71
Views: 93467

Re: Is it possible to make a CCS to CHAdeMO adapter?

Battery voltage is available on OBD2 on the Leaf, right? How about a Bluetooth OBD2 adapter, and just make that woodwork thing read the values over bluetooth?
by celeron55
Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:18 am
Forum: Charging
Topic: CCS Test at Ionity Unterschleißheim - who wants to volunteer?
Replies: 6
Views: 7270

Re: CCS Test at Ionity Unterschleißheim - who wants to volunteer?

Maybe we should just send them the dates and times we've already used Ionity stations with uhi CCS? ;)
by celeron55
Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:55 pm
Forum: Projects
Topic: [DRIVING] Opel Omega B2 + GS450H (the "EVOmega")
Replies: 77
Views: 30629

Re: [DRIVING] Opel Omega B2 + GS450H (the "EVOmega")

Got this thing put back together.

I did:
- Removed broken front-mounted 12V battery
- Removed broken OBC and heater
- Swapped the locations of the vacuum pump and the additional 12V fuse and relay blocks
- Installed two new (second hand) heaters, one in the place where the 12V battery was. The ...
by celeron55
Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:13 am
Forum: Charging
Topic: Develop a QCA7000 board?
Replies: 684
Views: 9589632

Re: Develop a QCA7000 board?

Remember to check the price of 5 populated boards. Sometimes it's barely more than that of 2, due to the minimum part runs and extended part costs
by celeron55
Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:34 pm
Forum: General
Topic: selling converted car
Replies: 12
Views: 1455

Re: selling converted car

Renting a conversion out to get it onto someone else's yard, for enough money to cover wear and tear, could be an interesting option.

Personally I have almost infinite space so the only reason I'd be doing it would be to free up cash for another project.

It's also a good question when starting a ...
by celeron55
Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:31 am
Forum: Projects
Topic: [WIP] Solar sailing with openinverter
Replies: 10
Views: 2187

Re: [WIP] Solar sailing with openinverter

If you know how much diesel it takes you to sail somewhere with the barge, you should be able to pretty much just calculate the electricity requirement as 1 liter = 3 kWh (of course realizing the accuracy isn't very good and actually depends on various factors). I would expect with one EV battery ...
by celeron55
Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:10 am
Forum: Projects
Topic: [DRIVING] Renault Clio Electrique -97
Replies: 344
Views: 91296

Re: [DRIVING] Renault Clio Electrique -97

What would also be interesting is trying to drive the motor with an OEM Toyota control board. There's a high chance that it will be compatible with the MGR, and that it will be smooth at high rpm. However, conclusive tests haven't been made with this combo. I've only seen some questionable test ...
by celeron55
Tue Aug 15, 2023 8:45 pm
Forum: General
Topic: finished or functional ev ?
Replies: 14
Views: 2208

Re: finished or functional ev ?

This sounded like a silly question at first but actually it's a good question. It's impossible to figure out the daily driven cars from the projects threads.

Should we add a tag to the daily driven or functional project thread titles so that one can list them with one advanced search? Like "[daily ...
by celeron55
Mon Aug 14, 2023 10:58 am
Forum: Projects
Topic: [DRIVING] Opel Omega B2 + GS450H (the "EVOmega")
Replies: 77
Views: 30629

Re: Opel Omega B2 + GS450H (the "EVOmega")

Looks like I've forgotten to update this thread, so here's a short update:

The DC/DC converter in the Outlander OBC and the Outlander heater broke.

I determined the cause to be the main contactor that I got welded, and subsequently de-welded last summer. I assume it got angry at me from the CCS ...
by celeron55
Fri Aug 11, 2023 2:58 am
Forum: Charging
Topic: Develop a QCA7000 board?
Replies: 684
Views: 9589632

Re: Develop a QCA7000 board?

I feel I should remind people there's also the Chinese 56-pin case that ZombieVerter uses. It might have too many pins, but it's easier to live with too many than too little. And you'll be surprised how fast you run out of pins.

Do we have any statistics about how many AC chargers would be happy ...
by celeron55
Thu Jul 27, 2023 7:56 am
Forum: Vehicle Control (VCU)
Topic: The Hitchhiker's guide to Celeron55's iPDM56 VCU & automotive Arduinoing
Replies: 22
Views: 19949

Re: The Hitchhiker's guide to Celeron55's iPDM56 VCU & automotive Arduinoing

Once you feed 12V (8V to 16V) to those pins, the white LED should light up, and code should run.

What does happen when you do it?

The regulator U4 near those pins is a good place to start probing with a voltage meter. The ISP header has the AVR's 5V exposed so that's also a starting point (or more ...
by celeron55
Sun Jul 23, 2023 11:15 am
Forum: Inverters / Motor Controllers
Topic: My Car tried to Kill me today (1973 Beetle +SDU Conversion), Potential Cruise Control Bug ?
Replies: 114
Views: 51308

Re: My Car tried to Kill me today (1973 Beetle +SDU Conversion), Potential Cruise Control Bug ?

Here's an additional way of thinking about this, and documenting this:

You can write down imagined or real world scenarios that hypotethically wouldn't be, or were proven to not be properly handled.

Then you, specifically for each, write down which mechanisms/failsafes (hardware, software, user ...
by celeron55
Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:42 am
Forum: Vehicle Control (VCU)
Topic: The Hitchhiker's guide to Celeron55's iPDM56 VCU & automotive Arduinoing
Replies: 22
Views: 19949

Re: The Hitchhiker's guide to Celeron55's iPDM56 VCU & automotive Arduinoing

I think it should be possible to set that up, it's just a matter of setting the CNF1/2/3 register values in the MCP2515 according to its datasheet.

The problem is, I tried to wrap my brain around these for about half an hour now and haven't yet figured it out...

You could try copying them from ...
by celeron55
Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:00 pm
Forum: Charging
Topic: Open source CCS using AR7420
Replies: 451
Views: 447593

Re: Open source CCS using AR7420

I'm almost certain I've mentioned it somewhere but I use one of the boards designed for the LIM, this one: viewtopic.php?t=2474

I don't particularly like or dislike it. It does work. Of course it being analog you need something in between to interface it to pyPLC.
by celeron55
Tue Jun 27, 2023 8:29 pm
Forum: Vehicle Control (VCU)
Topic: The Hitchhiker's guide to Celeron55's iPDM56 VCU & automotive Arduinoing
Replies: 22
Views: 19949

Re: The Hitchhiker's guide to Celeron55's iPDM56 VCU & automotive Arduinoing

Oh, sorry, I think I haven't thought that though yet as I haven't needed extended frames for anything in my projects so far.

The library that's used to support the mcp2515 can controllers in this case is

Keep me updated how stuck you get, I'll look into it later.
by celeron55
Sun Jun 25, 2023 3:54 am
Forum: Projects
Topic: 1971 GMCe Lexus GS450H BMW 530e Tesla Model S Electruck [FINISHED]
Replies: 1433
Views: 1539912

Re: 1971 GMCe Lexus GS450H BMW 530e Tesla Model S powered Electruck [FINISHED]

Aluminium is a bad idea due to oxidation. You'd need nickel or tin coated aluminium or a purpose made contact grease and a dry environment.

Copper would be best, but you can't buy ready made copper standoffs. For ready made standoffs, brass is the only option.

Then, what I still would change about ...
by celeron55
Fri Jun 23, 2023 9:54 pm
Forum: Projects
Topic: 1971 GMCe Lexus GS450H BMW 530e Tesla Model S Electruck [FINISHED]
Replies: 1433
Views: 1539912

Re: 1971 GMCe Lexus GS450H BMW 530e Tesla Model S powered Electruck [FINISHED]

Wait what are you doing with stainless steel M6 standoffs?
by celeron55
Fri Jun 23, 2023 11:29 am
Forum: Projects
Topic: [DRIVING] 1992 Toyota Previa with Leaf stuff and lots of Tesla batteries
Replies: 35
Views: 16856

Re: 1992 Toyota Previa with Leaf stuff and lots of Tesla batteries

I don't think any drive unit can fit in the front. There's no subframe that you could remove and modify and the beefy transverse frame member onto which the steering rack and front diff attaches to is in the way. Towards the rear, the cabin floor is in the way. If you're hell bent on doing that, you ...
by celeron55
Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:20 pm
Forum: Projects
Topic: [DRIVING] 1992 Toyota Previa with Leaf stuff and lots of Tesla batteries
Replies: 35
Views: 16856

Re: 1992 Toyota Previa with Leaf stuff and lots of Tesla batteries

I'm on my phone so I'll be super brief: My AC chargers practically don't work except under special circumstances, so I don't use them except at home. What I use is:
- My own Chademo implementation (you can find a version of it in the ipdm56 library). It always works. The problems are that 125A is ...