Water Pumps

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A list of coolant pumps

This is a list of water pumps that may be useful in an EV swap.

Pierburg CWA Coolant Pumps


Pierburg CWA Coolant Pumps

The Pierburg CWA Coolant Pumps (200/400) are well known in hot rod engine swaps as they are significant coolant pumps that have the ability to be PWM Controlled, however connecting the PWM pin to +12V permanently also gives 95% speed

Tesla Model S/X Coolant Pump

Tesla S / X coolant pump

Tesla Model S/X Coolant Pump

Both the Model S and X use a very capable (but curiously unbranded) coolant pump. Internet research seems to indicate it may be made by VariMax, though there are so many Tesla part numbers it's hard to say which actual model it is.

Bosch PCE (VAG and others)

Bosch PCE Coolant Pumps

Chevrolet Volt Coolant Pumps

Chevrolet Volt Coolant Pumps

Coolant pump

Hyundai Kona EV Coolant Pumps

Hyundai Kona EV Coolant Pumps

In List Form

Pump DC Voltage Current Draw Control Method Inlet Size Outlet Size Max Flow Max Pressure
CWA200 12 PWM / ON
Tesla S/X 8-16 7.3A PWM 19mm 19mm 720LPH@70kPa
Bosch PCE 12 PWM / ON
Kona EV 8-16V ~6A CAN 17 17