Leaf stack with zombiverter

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*this page is a work in progress and may not be fully accurate or up to date.

Setting up a leaf stack with the zombiverter VCU

The full leaf stack ( motor/inverter, pdm (charger, dcdc, hvjb)) can be controlled with the zombieverter VCU.

All you need is 12v+, enable, and CANbus.

As of software release V2.20A, the IVT shunt used for UDC data is no longer required for precharge.

The leaf Inverter itself can supply UDC data for precharge (set the Shunt Type = 0)



Wiring the zombiverter to the leaf harness

Description Zombieverter Pin PDM pin inverter pin
+12V Permanent 12v+ 56 18 46, 48
Gnd permanent 12v - 55 pdm case 47, 49
Fwd signal Forward 54
Rev signal Reverse 53
momentary 12V Start signal 52
Brake signal Brake Input 49
+5V Throttle 48
Throttle signal 1 Throttle signal 1 47
Throttle signal 2 Throttle signal 2 46
Throttle Gnd Throttle Gnd 45
Precharge Contactor LS Switch Negative lead from precharge contactor 34
Main Contactor LS Switch Negative lead from main contactor 33
enable relay switches enable relay 32 16 42
Neg Contactor LS Switch Negative lead from negative contactor 31
CANEXTH Can 1 High 28 27 14
CANEXTL Can 1 Low 27 11 15
T15 Ignition 12V in 15
proximity pilot pp for charge port 29
control pilot cp for charge port 30
Leaf Inverter terminal layout and physical values for signals

Leaf PDM connector pinout and physical values. This seems to apply to 2013-2017 Leaf. Check what you have before blindly making any connections.



Chademo to Zombiverter:

Details can be found on a dedicated page.
chademo connector:

HV contactor coil + pin 2 to GP 12v input

HV contactor coil - pin 10

pin 1 to ground

CAN H pin 8 to CAN EXT 3 H

CAN L pin 9 to CAN EXT 3 L

pin 4 to GP out