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Zombieverter Activity Lights only with Wifi Module

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 8:13 pm
by ElectroMike

Does anyone know what my options would be if I'm not getting activity lights when applying 12v to pin 56 (and ground to 55).

I'm only getting activity when I'm connected to the wifi module via USB cable. (Through this, I can access the web interface).


Re: Zombieverter Activity Lights only with Wifi Module

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 8:23 pm
by johu
Dodgy connection or bad 5V reg? Thou shall measure voltages. do 12V arrive at the regulator and do 5V come out? Do 3v3 come from the 1117 3v3 reg?

Re: Zombieverter Activity Lights only with Wifi Module

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 9:07 pm
by Jacobsmess
Also worth double and triple checking you have the right pins. I've definitely been guilty of having the pins wrong due to the board being the wrong way round....

Re: Zombieverter Activity Lights only with Wifi Module

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 11:24 pm
by ElectroMike
Many thanks. Double-checked PINs!
Apologies. I'm new to tracking PCB voltage drops (what follows will show it). Are we talking AMS117-3.3V (IC4) for 3v3 and XL1509-5.0E1 (IC11) for 5v?
One thing to note is my power unit was on constant voltage, and the amps drawn kept flicking between 1.5 ams and 0 or 0.2 (did start with lower current first).
When checking IC11 my prob must've slipped and bridge legs or something, since there as a spark -- then for some reason the lights came on right after and the circuit is drawing a constant current.
However, one of the FAN3122TMX chips (IC29) sparked and glowed hot... (Unfortunately one of the few chips I soldered - so maybe my fault!)
Are there steps I need to check? Wifi module broadcasting fine also
Now I have no clue why are short would get things working.

(I should add after above I get 5v accross capacitor at c23 and 3.3v across capacitor C13).