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Noob - Extending Leaf battery with Resolve-EV

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 5:22 pm
by ianlighting
Still in learning mode, I’m gathering as much info as I can, but apologies in advance if I’m going over familiar ground. Happy for people to point me to older threads rather than replying directly.

My project is starting with a 2015 24kWh Leaf. I know I will want to increase battery capacity after I’ve proven the VCU and physical motor coupling. I’m interested in the best way to do this, that is cost effective.

I could be aiming for 40kWh or 62kWh (or any other largish number to be honest), but sticking within the constraints of what the BMS can support I think is my limiting factor.

The options that I think I need to work through, and appreciate any thoughts anyone may have…

1 - buy a 40kWh battery pack, so I have matching BMS and cells. Simple, a bit expensive, but maybe that’s where I’ll end up.

2 - if I find just a 40kWh BMS, can I buy a second set of 24kWH modules and wire them all up so the BMS is happy? 24kWh modules are more plentiful, so presumably cheaper. I could be wrong, but arent modules in a 40kWh battery, just twice the size with twice the number of connections?

3 - if (2) is possible, could I do the same with 62kWh if I found a suitable Leaf 62 BMS?

4 - are there aftermarket BMS solutions that appear to the rest of the Leaf, and most importantly to the Resolve-EV controller, to be a normal Leaf BMS, but offer more flexibility in module choice?

5 - are there newer, eg Chinese, alternative modules that work with a 40 or 62kWh BMS, but offer a cheaper way to more capacity? From what I’ve seen online there are newer larger capacity modules, but I believe the BMS expects direct connections to the correct number of modules it originally had, so I assume capacity calcs would be screwy.
