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Newb Asks: Is there a way to increase the output voltage of the first gen Chevy Volt charger?

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 5:24 pm
by Gregski
On this episode of: This Is Way Over My Head And I Shouldn't Even Be Asking, TIWOMHAISEBA

we ask how would one go about increasing the output voltage of the first gen Chevy Volt charger, from 420 VDC to 460 VDC ? tell me what do I need to solder unsolder etc, ha ha.

Charger Location.jpg

Re: Newb Asks: Is there a way to increase the output voltage of the first gen Chevy Volt charger?

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:56 am
by smaresca
I'm not aware of any upper end wiggle room on these units. If you're trying to up the voltage on a pack that is being undercharged due to cell count, you could split the pack in half and charge each half? Some folks use two of these chargers in tandem.