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Battery basics

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 1:37 pm
by Wibber
Hi all,

I'm looking for a pointer to some basic practical information about battery packs and charging. I'm converting a kit car to electric with a Leaf stack and have got the motor running using a Zombieverter and a rectified mains feed. Now it's time to add batteries. I was thinking of buying an Outlander battery pack and running the Leaf motor from that. I know that the voltage will be down on what Leaf batteries will supply but I can live with that. So what I don't know is: can I just charge the battery pack from the Leaf PDM? This basic "how do you connect chargers to batteries? What to know etc
Can i just connect the HV leads to the Outlander pack and it will charge??" is what I'm after. Really basic stuff.

Trying to avoid buying batteries and then not being able to charge them!

Reason I'm thinking of the Outlander Phev battery pack is space. I reckon I can fit the battery modules in various place in the kit car and use them all - maybe even add a couple more to get to the nominal Leaf voltage. Not that worried about range. Also realise that this looks like a "battery" question but it feels somehow more basic than the ones in the Battery thread.

Thanks in advance. If this should be move to "Batteries" or charging, let me know.