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Throttle Parameter Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 3:44 pm
by E46Driver
Hello all, my apologies if I missed this information somewhere. I could not find anything relevant with the search.

I am trying to understand the throttle parameters because the readings I am getting do not match my understanding. This is for a Leaf EM57 with Gen2 inverter and Rev3.0 Openinverter board. Beta Firmware 5.23R - Johu adjusted for idle feature (Reference Post). No regen set up at this time.

Relevant parameters:

Code: Select all

idcmax : 325;
potmin : 45;
potmax : 4095;
throtramp : 3.0;
throtramprpm : 5000;
throtcur : 5.25;
My understanding is that (generally), we set the potmin and potmax to our expected values for our particular installation. For example, I am using a 0-5V with 4.7K inline resister to complete the divider feeding the openinverter board. This gives us a 0-3.3V linear throttle line (show in blue below).

Does the throtcur parameter adjust the line - in this case shown in orange below for a 5.25 A/% setting?
So shouldn't this mean we hit our 325A limit at approximately 62% throttle? Because this does not happen for me. I hit 250-ish idc at about 3300 digs. I have not been able to reach the idc limit. And this is confirmed by my Orion BMS.

If I change throtcur = 3.0, my max idc is only 188A. And I would expect throtcur = 1.0 to simply follow the potmin-potmax line.

What am I doing wrong?

Re: Throttle Parameter Questions  [SOLVED]

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:18 pm
by johu
idc is dependent on motor torque AND speed
throtcur controls AC current and that is only proportional to torque

Re: Throttle Parameter Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:58 pm
by E46Driver
Thanks Johu!

Clearly my mind is still in Soliton DC Motor Control mode. Eventually I will get my head wrapped around 3-phase AC!