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Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:56 am
by johu
I wrote a class for LIN communication with STM32. It is completely non-blocking and uses DMA for sending. Works with USART1, 2, 3

It works like this:

Code: Select all

LinBus* lin;

//Would be called by scheduler in fixed time interval, say 100ms
void CyclicTask()
   lin->Send(22, 0, 0); //Read request feature ID 22
   //or send command, controlled by some state machine (only send one lin command per cycle!):
   uint8_t lindata[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
   lin->Send(21, lindata, sizeof(lindata)); //Send data "1 2 3 4" to ID 21
   //check if we received a reply on ID 22 that is 8 bytes long
   if (lin->HasReceived(22, 8))
      uint8_t* data = lin->GetReceivedBytes();

      Param::SetInt(Param::tmpheater, data[1] - 40);

extern "C" int main(void)
   //various init
   LinBus l(USART1, 9600);
   lin = &l;
I think I will change HasReceived() so you don't need to specify the encoded feature ID.
HasReceived now takes ID without parity. ... linbus.cpp

EDIT: Updated example

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:23 pm
by Jack Bauer
You da man Johannes! :)

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:32 pm
by Dilbert
Nice work.

For the lin master we used to run the entire state machine from the rx interrupt, as the transceiver will echo back the tx bytes on the rx pin. We also used to change baud rate for the sync break.

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 9:38 pm
by johu
Thanks :)
Oh yes, l.Receive() could also be placed in the rx interrupt

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 6:58 am
by 7yatna
Ok that looks pretty simple.

now if i want to implment Lim on zombie. do i need to configure it first before i send the messages?

an actual example of a function sending will be appreciated.


Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 7:48 am
by johu
I thought Damien had already done something with LIN in Zombie, but can't find it right now. Above example is a bit outdated! Will change it.
Anyway, I've used it in the Volvo project: ... ar.cpp#L95

See main() in the same file on how to initialize the LinBus object. Also in hwinit.cpp you need to enable the clock for the USART you want to use. Interrupts are not needed.

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 8:30 am
by 7yatna
you are awesome Johu,

I just tested the VW Heater code today and got some toasty water out. Now i will implement in Zombie. as far as i noticed the Zombie has Lin but nothing is being controlled by Lin in Zombie files.

I will give it a try tomorrow and test the Heater by zombie.


Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 8:40 am
by 7yatna
I took a walk in your code and it looks like you used the Digital pots, is it right ? coming on my list is to used the fuel gauge to reflect SOC. the BMW e60 uses two fuel senders each is about 500 Ohm

im planning to use the digital Pots to do that.

is the implementation in set fuel gauge function doing what i want to do ?

if so again what init needed to be working ?

thanks again

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 8:42 am
7yatna wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 8:30 amNow i will implement in Zombie. as far as i noticed the Zombie has Lin but nothing is being controlled by Lin in Zombie files.
Hm, in the Zombie there is a list of heaters you can select and one of them is VW. Not tested if it works myself but wouldn't it be controller by LIN?

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 8:46 am
by 7yatna wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 8:42 am Hm, in the Zombie there is a list of heaters you can select and one of them is VW. Not tested if it works myself but wouldn't it be controller by LIN?
Not implemented to be worked on. I`m the one who is working on it.

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:26 am
by 7yatna
Hi Johu,

it looks like the Job is bigger than what i though. im so stuck and lost between the pointers. the Zombie is a little bit bigger than your Volvo.

so here where i`m. all the modified Files are attached everything else before this lin implementation was working, compiling and running on my VCU.

I needed to add vwheater.cpp and vwheater.h

I Initialized the USART for Lin it is connected to USART1 and wasn't initialized. I initialized it in hwinit.cpp

then i went to do it like you did on the example and i modified the STM32_vcu.cpp and STM_vcu.h to include inbus header. in the STM32_VCU.cpp i added :

static LinBus* lin; and LinBus l(USART1, 19200); and lin = &l; in their respected location attached the stm32_vcu.cpp and stm32_vcu.h

then finally the vwheater.cpp and vwheater.h both files are attached.
i wrote the function to implement control only of the vw heater. i can work on the feedback later but i need to send messages throw lin.

and now when i compile for some reason my pointer is goin to null. what im missing im personally not follwing the pointers.

here is a screen of the error.
any ideas? as soon as i can get the lin comms working the rest is easy. and BTW i know my actual control code might be off but my bench test code is working fine. that can be worked later after i get the LIN comms out of Zombie.

can you take a look over the header files, pointers locatiosn, initializeing and that sort.


Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:27 am
by 7yatna
and ignore the warning of the suburau class, it is because the digital pots are not implemented yet.

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:02 am
by royhen99
Have you added linbus.o to the OBJSL list in the makefile?

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 8:43 am
by johu
In vwheater.cpp you have a static member LinBus* lin but that pointer is never initialized.
You need to pass a pointer of your LinBus object that is created in main() to your vwheater class

EDIT: you'll find that the inverter or vehicle classes all have a function SetCanInterface(). So you could do something similar for LIN.

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 8:40 pm
by 7yatna
Hi Guys,

I took both of your advice and now we compile with no issues. I made a setlininterface in the vwheater and added linbus .o and we are rolling.

Unfortunately there is no lin comms going out. which after thinking about stuff, i didnt call SetlinInterface function to link the pointers.

so i went to stm32_vcu.cpp and added a conditional line to call setlininterface if vwheater is selected.

now it is complaining about classes.

here are my updated files.

any ideas how to call the setlininterface?

I need a crash course in pointers, * and & and how to pass them across the full code.

anyway im very sure that we are close. to get this zombie to spit Lin comms.

The Error:

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:18 pm
by 7yatna
i found something else that will make no Comms,

in zombie there is a pin called linnslp which causes the TJA chip to sleep i measured the pin and it is LOW which in my bench testsetup will kill all comms.

it is on GPIO11. any ideas where we can make this pin goes HIGH ? im thinking we can put it in setlininterface function. am i Right ?

Edit: I just fixed that and now that pin goes HIGH when we select the VWheater see attached file.

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:25 pm
by johu
There are static classes which are essentially just C-files with a slightly nicer syntax. And then there are non-static classes which can be "instantiated". That's what you see on top of stm32_vcu where all possible inverters are created. But only of of them is linked to the pointer "selectedInverter".

You'd do the same for the heater, have a pointer of type "Heater" (the base class) called "selectedHeater and depending on user selection that pointer is set. Make sure you add SetLinInterface() to the base class, not to your specialized class. Again, check inverter.h/cpp on how this all plays together.

That way you can always call selectedHeater->SetLinInterface() (and selectedHeater->SetCanInterface() for that matter) and don't need nasty conditionals.

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 10:51 pm
by 7yatna
I tried doing and replicating the setcanhardware() but obviously i have a problem with keeping up where the poiinters and what declared and not.

i moved the setlininterface to the base class. and really not follwoing why and which variables i need to declare.

even the amperaheater files .cpp/.h that i didnt touch now it is upset.

im sorry that im dragging you guys this long but between damiens code and OI code and being sperated as each module has its own files.

I want to learn how to pass pointeers and navigate between classes.

anyway here are updated files and new errors. im looking online as well to figure my way but i did encounter and fixed other issues like the sleep for the TJA chip that worked and now the chip should be ready to take usart info.

Sorry for being a headach and a noope.

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:37 am
by johu
heater.h needs to include linbus.h otherwise it doesn't know the type LinBus ;)

Re: Added LinBus class to libopeninv

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 7:21 am
by 7yatna
johu wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:37 am heater.h needs to include linbus.h otherwise it doesn't know the type LinBus ;)
Oh My god, i was that close. I just added linbus.h into heater.h and compiled with no warnings at all.

i will test tomorrow the lin communications today i switched gears and worked on getting the Gs450H spinning. after two hours chasing my tail because of a clean unmodified hex, it was corrupted.

i put back my modified Hex all is working and as expected. ready for HV and power on in the morning.

I hope we get motor spinning tomorrow than test the heater from Zombie.

I will report back but thanks Johu for your help, im still lost but happy lost that somnething compiled and worked.

Best regards,